Off Campus
Julia Grygon teaches a dance class on ZOOM.
Off Campus
Published: January 26, 2021

Throughout the pandemic, Julia Grygon works as a nurse in New Jersey while simultaneously running her own dance studio. Managing both roles this year came with a learning curve.

President Joe Biden will be Syracuse University's most famous alumnus. Biden graduated from SU's College of Law.
Published: January 18, 2021

Ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, learn how the Syracuse College of Law graduate became the university’s most notable alumnus.

Remembrance Vigil 2019
Off Campus
Published: December 21, 2020

Abu Agela Masud Kheir Al-Marimi is the third Libyan intelligence official linked to the 1988 airline bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland.

Volunteers help sort bags of food
Off Campus
Published: November 23, 2020

Local organizations grapple with addressing food insecurity exacerbated by the pandemic.

Illustration of young person with mental health concerns during COVID-19 pandemic
Off Campus
Published: November 20, 2020

Community health experts note an increase in opioid-related deaths as well as those seeking mental help amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

After the Explosion: The importance of filmmaking and memories about Maria Raad's journey from Beirut to Syracuse.
Off Campus
Published: November 17, 2020

Beirut, Lebanon may be changed forever, but a Syracuse junior wants to maintain a connection by developing film projects that casts a light on her home country’s beauty.

2020 Election: Dana Balter vs. John Katko
Published: November 13, 2020

Balter congratulates Katko as the race for Congress ends.

Vice President Joe Biden at Syracuse University
Published: November 6, 2020

After a week of prolonged ballot counting in swing states, Joe Biden secures the electoral votes he needs to win the White House.

Election 2020: United States map with states where vote counting is delayed or being contested in the presidential race.
Published: November 6, 2020

Vote counts in Pennsylvania and Georgia shift to former Vice President’s favor in the race to reach 270 electoral votes.

A voter checks in at the Salina Town Hall polling station before casting their ballot.
Published: November 3, 2020

Republican incumbent John Katko maintains a solid lead, but there is still no winner in NY-24.