COVID on Campus: Sophomore Roshan Fernandez spent the summer learning how to be alone.

Freshman Megan Cooper reflects on how a tumultuous year upended her first semester at Syracuse University.

Elder Melvin Baker is the Historically Black Church chaplain at Syracuse University.

COVID on Campus: Syracuse University senior Abigail Tubis worked for SU Food Services at Kimmel Food Court this semester.

Senior Manny Martinez is a medical transport driver for Syracuse University Health Services.

COVID on Campus: Syracuse University junior Kyra Surgent founded Kyra Kouture in 2020.

KC Woods, associate director of Syracuse University’s Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs, on managing the office during the pandemic.

COVID on Campus: Policy studies sophomore Amit Chandramouly is a resident advisor in Lawrinson Hall.

Terri Hoalcraft is the facility director for Gamma Phi Beta sorority at Syracuse University.

Syracuse University students and professors share how they made it through the pandemic and how it has impacted their future plans.