Racial slur on package found in Day Hall
Racial slur on package found in Day Hall

A student worker at the Day Hall discovered an anti-Black racial slur written on a package on Friday afternoon, according to a school-wide email sent on that evening. This follows a string of racist incidents, some of which also previously occurred at Day Hall, that occurred during the 2019-2020 school year, which resulted in the formation of the student-run movement, #NotAgainSU, who led multiple occupations on Syracuse University’s campus last year.
It remains unclear whether the slur was written on the package after it was delivered or whether it arrived that way, Robert Hradsky, Vice President for the Student Experience, and Chief Bobby Maldonado of the Department of Public Safety wrote in the email. According to their statement, videotape footage is being reviewed to identify the person responsible.
“We must collectively condemn any act that degrades individuals or groups based on their race, ethnicity, or for any other reason,” Hradsky and Maldonado wrote. “And we must extend kindness and support for those who are targeted and those who are hurting.”
After the #NotAgainSU movement began, SU revised the Code of Student Conduct to “strengthen the punishment for violations that are bias-motivated or racist.” The university’s administration also reaffirms that “kind of hate does not belong at SU.”
DPS has begun the investigation on this “racist, bias-motivated act” and encourages anyone with information to call DPS directly or use the Silent Witness tool to anonymously report. It also posted this latest case on its public site for bias incidents in an effort to keep the SU community “informed, vigilant and responsive.”