Recoveries outnumber new cases in Onondaga
Recoveries outnumber new cases

For only the second time since the arrival of COVID-19 in Onondaga County, more recoveries were reported overnight than new cases.
County Executive Ryan McMahon said Friday that 22 cases have recovered, while only 14 new cases were confirmed in the last 24 hours. But McMahon cautioned the local community had a long way to go before social distancing rules would be lifted.
“If you want to get back to what the new normal looks like, we need you to buy into this for the next 10 days,” McMahon said during his Friday afternoon update.
Although recoveries are increasing, so are the number of intensive care unit patients. With 25 individuals in critical condition, this marks the highest number of ICU patients to date. According to McMahon, 18 percent of all active cases are currently hospitalized.
“This is just the reality of this virus,” McMahon said. “Once you get it, you are in for a fight.”
Also, McMahon reported another the eighth community member had died from COVID-19 on Friday. The patient was in his late 60s and had a pre-existing medical condition, putting him at a higher risk. This was the county’s seventh death in just nine days.
“We really need people to take this seriously,” McMahon said. “We are now at a point where we ask the community to sacrifice.”
County Executive Ryan McMahon reported that 8 percent of COVID-19 cases in Onondaga County result in the person fighting for their life. This announcement comes as the county has seen their seventh local death Thursday morning who was a man in his late 50s.
COVID-19 cases increased to 442 with 281 active cases. The total of those recovered also increased by 13 to 154.
As COVID-19 continues to get worse in the NYC area and health professionals are overwhelmed, Upstate Medical has sent 22 of their nurses down to Stony Brook University Hospital to provide aid to the problem.
Getting set to escort UPSTATE’s nurses through city on way to @StonyBrookMed helping in the COVID-19 fight #Upstatestrong
— Upstate Medical University (@UpstateNews) April 9, 2020
Onondaga County saw its largest spike in recoveries since March 30. In a 3 p.m. press conference County Executive Ryan McMahon announced 22 had recovered since Tuesday, bringing the total to 141.
“We had a good day in the last 24 hours with recoveries,” McMahon said.
As of Wednesday, there are 422 cases, with 25 confirmed positive in the last day. However, there are only 275 active cases, as just over one-third of COVID-19 patients have recovered. In total, there have been 5,460 tests results confirmed.
Although recoveries are up, the number of hospitalized individuals is also rising. Three more people were hospitalized overnight bringing the total to 41 patients. 22 are fighting for their lives in critical condition. These patients account for five percent of active cases.
“When you are in critical condition, you are in the ICU, you are in a fight, many times you need help breathing,” McMahon said. “These people are in our thoughts and prayers at this time.”
There were no deaths reported overnight. However, people are still very sick, with 2 new cases admitted to the ICU.
McMahon also noted that some positive cases are results of exposure in public places, leading him to reiterate the importance of remaining home and flattening the curve.
“We need to make our own curve so we can get our lives back,” McMahon said.
The total number of cases of Coronavirus in Onondaga county increased by 20 since yesterday, now totalling 397 cases.
Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon said in today’s briefing that the county had five patients recover since yesterday, bringing the total recovered cases up to 119.
McMahon encouraged all residents to check their symptoms daily, “Take your temperature daily. Take your temperature twice a day,” he said. “This virus affects everyone differently. You can be feeling good one day, and the next day you need help breathing.”
Monday Onondaga County also had their sixth fatality, a woman in her 70’s with preexisting medical conditions. The town of Elbridge and Onondaga Nation continue to be the only places in Onondaga County without a positive case of COVID-19.
“What does this tell us?” asked McMahon. “The virus is everywhere. North, south, east, and west. The virus does not care if you’re an affluent community, if you’re a working class community, or if you’re a rural community. The virus needs a host.”
The county implemented a voluntary stay at home order Sunday, and has been tracking cell phone movement to monitor how accurately the order is being followed. There is then a state wide grading scale for how well the county is doing. Monday Onondaga County was at a C-, today McMahon reported Onondaga County jumped to a B-. “We can do better,” said McMahon. “We need to be an A.”
McMahon also emphasized today the available county wide services to those in need, including free child care for essential workers and veterans aide. “Right now lot of people are spending a lot of time together under very stressful situations,” said McMahon, offering up the domestic and sexual violence resources provided by Vera House. “There is no excuse for abuse.”
If you need help call Vera House’s support and information line 315-468-3260.
“Our only way to fight back is to stay away from each other,” said McMahon.
Over the weekend, Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon called for a voluntary shelter in place order that will begin on Tuesday and last until April 21.Although he cannot enforce it he asks residents to take it seriously.
“We can’t get to normal without some short-term pain and that’s why I’m asking everybody to buy-in, help me,” McMahon said during Monday’s COVID-19 media briefing.
The order does not apply to essential workers. People will still be able to run errands and go to parks.During Monday’s press conference, McMahon gave further guidance by asking those born in even years to only run errands and leave the house on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sunday, April 19. Those born in odd years are asked to limit their outings to Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sunday, April 12.
Confirmed cases have risen to 377 with 257 active cases. Deaths have now reached five while recoveries increased to 115.