Sharing an ear for music
Sharing An Ear For Music
Sam Ronan bonds with his younger brother Luke over a passion for music while pursuing a professional career of his own.

Brothers Sam and Luke Ronan share a deep and genuine connection with music at the heart of their relationship.
Sam, a professionally trained jazz pianist, always made sure to include Luke and their family in his musical journey. They attended every one of his recitals during his undergraduate years — a testament to the strong bond the siblings share.

As a recent graduate of Syracuse University and embarking on the challenges of launching his music career at age 22, Sam also takes on a significant caregiving role for his 20-year-old brother Luke, who has Down syndrome. Balancing this responsibility alongside their parents adds another layer of complexity to Sam’s life.
“I’ve always had to do more for Luke and getting him into school,” said Karen Ronan, mother to the two sons and three daughters. “I hoped Sam never felt neglected because of this. He didn’t have sisters to take over if I wasn’t there.”

Sitting at the family’s dining room table in Pittsford, Karen and Sam discussed the household dynamics especially since the three sisters moved out.
“I always felt thankful,” Sam said. “I had a lot of independence growing up.”
Sam admitted there are challenging moments that he and his family faces in caring for Luke.
“He can be very stubborn, wanting to stay up really late,” Sam said. “Every day is different, trying to get him to do what is best for the next day but having my parents manage their own time.
“When he really wants to do something that can take a lot of compromise or convincing.”
But Sam was quick to point to the many rewards brotherhood brings as well.
“The biggest thing it teaches you is empathy,” Sam said. “You’re not alone in your experiences, and it reminds you how to conduct yourself and be there for others.
“Taking care of Luke is a lesson in exercising compromise … uplifting his spirit to enjoy day to day better and the days with us better.”