Easing your hangxiety
Easing your hangxiety
Understanding social norms for going out on SU’s campus can relieve students’ nerves. With Princeton Review ranking Syracuse as the No. 1 party school in 2019 and Barstool Sports crowning Syracuse best bar town in America, students should not let fears prevent them from hitting the town. By following these expert tips from campus bar employees, you will not only make their life easier but yours, too.
Orange Crate (Lucy’s):
1. Orange Crate’s cover is $5 every single time. “People will ask all the time, “how much is cover” and I’m like, you come here three nights a week — cover is $5 every time!” -Catie Haugen, senior Lucy’s door girl
2. Yes, even YOU have to pay cover. “People will try and be like, “I don’t have to pay right?” and I’m like, “Babe, I don’t even know you.” It’s never my close friends or my roommates who are asking. It’s always people that I maybe had a class with or something like that. That’s annoying because it just makes my job harder. Ultimately, I’m on camera and it’s my job, so I have to have cover.” – Catie Haugen, door girl
3. Treat the door girl with respect. “People will talk to me like I’m trash and talk to me like I’m an idiot and throw cash at me. There seems to be no recollection that I am a human as well sometimes. It’s not like every day and it’s not every person. Some people are awesome.” – Catie Haugen, door girl
4. The bouncers, the door girl, the bartenders … they remember you. Don’t be lame. “They might not know who I am, but I work every weekend. I know who the mean ones are.” – Catie Haugen, door girl
5. Uncrumple your bills. “People will pull out of their pockets crumpled bills and just kind of put them on my register. It’s rude because you wait in line to come to the bar and then you literally throw money at my register and watch me uncrumple it. You can’t even unfold a bill for me? It doesn’t need to be perfect but crumpled into a ball.. Really?” – Catie Haugen, door girl
6. Wait patiently for your turn. “One of my biggest pet peeves is when people are waving you down or trying to call out your name. We have our own sections and our own system of who orders next and who you take orders from based on where they’re standing.” – Katie Pimentel, senior Lucy’s bartender
7. Plan your order BEFORE you make eye contact with the bartender. “When people wave you down and are super in your face, obnoxious, wanting their order to be taken and then they don’t know what they want or they’re ordering for their friends and they don’t know what their friends want. It just slows the whole process down.” – Katie Pimentel, bartender
8. Have your card or cash easily accessible. “A lot of people forget to pay. I would prefer to already have their money out while ordering. So then that way they can hand me the card as quickly as possible just so the process goes a lot smoother.” – Katie Pimental, bartender
9. Write sweet nothings on your receipt. “I love when people write sweet notes on the receipts because at the end of the night, we close out all the receipts, so it takes a really long time. At that point, it’s like 3-4 in the morning and we’re exhausted and our bodies are tired. It’s just fun seeing messages from people.” – Katie Pimental, bartender
10. Schedule when you will get your $2 Tuesdays drinks for optimal deals. “The deal on $2 Tuesdays goes from 8-10 so in those last 15 minutes, the bar becomes overwhelmingly busy because people are pushing to get their drinks before the deal ends.” – Katie Pimental, bartender
11. If someone says Lucy’s, they are talking about Orange Crate. “Call Orange Crate Lucy’s and Lucy Blue’s Blucy’s. Orange Crate and Lucy’s are technically interchangeable.” – Molly Cummins, senior
1. No fakes … especially at Faegan’s. “It’s an upperclassmen bar. Honestly, underage people wouldn’t even have that much fun there.” – Logan Demetros, sophomore Faegan’s bartender
2. Faegan’s is not Lucy’s. “It’s more of a sit-down bar. People are usually pretty calm.” – Logan Demetros, bartender
3. Heads or tails? Flip Night is not that difficult. “If you have to grab your friend and get them ready, then it’s just taking more time. As long as you and your friends are ready to call it, then it’ll go smoothly.” – Logan Demetros, bartender
4. Don’t be offended if they don’t ring the bell. “It depends on the bartender and if they even see the tip. On Wednesdays and busy nights, we barely ring the bell because it is tough to keep up. Otherwise, it’s completely subjective.” – Logan Demetros, bartender
5. Be gentle with the darts. “Don’t whip them at the board. You’re playing darts, not trying to throw a baseball and all that.” – Logan Demetros, bartender
6. Stay on your side of the bar. “A big pet peeve is people excessively reaching over the bar, trying to get our attention.” – Logan Demetros, bartender
7. Become a regular, but not on Flip Night. “People are working. You get to meet them. You talk to them a little bit. And then they know who you are and come to you first on busy nights.” – Alexis Chu, graduate student
1. Just don’t. “You don’t go to Harry’s if you’re not a freshman. That’s just fucking weird.” -Natalia Vecera, sophomore
Frats and house parties:
1. Sacrifice one – and only one – pair of shoes. “Wear the same pair of shoes to the frats. You don’t want your other shoes getting really gross. I feel like I’ve ruined my shoes by wearing them out.” -S ydney Baldridge, junior
2. Always have cash on you. “It’s smart to have cash just in case. But also, you will need it for your cover or if you are a freshman boy, you will need it to get in… everywhere.” – Sydney Baldridge, junior
3. Don’t darty too hard. “Bring your own drinks while dartying so you know how much you’re drinking and how much alcohol is in them instead of trusting the frat to make it for you. That’s a good way to pace yourself.” – Sydney Baldridge, junior
4. If you aren’t having the time of your life in a dark, sweaty basement, you are not alone. “A lot of the time, I’ll be standing around wondering if everyone else is just faking having fun?” – Molly Irland, junior.
5. Embrace the freshmen pack mentality. “Follow the pack to the Euclid house party where guys have to pay. It’s like a right of passage.” – Natalia Vecera, sophomore
6. Explore the music scene. “Every Friday or Saturday night, there is some sort of music performance in somebody’s basement.” – Natalia Vecera, sophomore
7. Follow artists on Instagram to stay in the loop about upcoming shows. “Word of mouth or social media. Either you’re in the world and your entire Instagram feed is about events that are happening or it’s not and you have to go out of your way to actively ask about it.” – Lauren Juzang, sophomore musician
8. Don’t kill the vibe at a house show. “As an audience member, don’t be a dick. Be respectful of people’s houses like don’t bang on the pipes. Shows have been canceled after two songs because cops wouldn’t leave.” – Lauren Juzang
9. Some venues have a limit and go for more of a chill vibe. “The Garden is one venue and they are pretty strict about their cap, which is great because you feel safer and there is more space. They turn away a lot of people.” – Lauren Juzang
10. Others do not. “Venues like Mud Pitt, Redgate and Harrington are a lot rowdier. It’s more reminiscent of a frat party.” – Owen Wernow, freshman musician
11. Dance or get out of the way! “Don’t stand in the very front of the crowd if you’re not going to be dancing. As a performer, you feel like the audience isn’t having a good time. Bring the good energy to the front.” – Owen Wernow, musician