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Remembrance Week 2018: Looking back, acting forward
Remembrance Week 2018: Looking back, acting forward
As this year marks the 30th anniversary of the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing, the community is paying tribute to 35 SU students who lost their lives.
Photos by The NewsHouse Staff
Published: October 29, 2018

Olivia N. Bosar
Flowers were laid by members of the public along the Remembrance Wall on Syracuse University's campus following the rose-laying ceremony. (Photo by Olivia N. Bosar)

Olivia N. Bosar
Five cyclists from Lockerbie, Scotland, concluded the Lockerbie Memorial Tour 2018 with their walk down the promenade on Thursday. The subsequent remarks from officials, friends and commuity members were given to honor the victims of Pan Am 103 and highlight emergency services. (Photo by Colleen Ferguson)

Olivia N. Bosar
Chancellor Kent Syverud honored the Lockerbie cyclists in his address and said he believed the 35 SU students who perished in the Pan Am 103 bombing 30 years ago were looking down on them today. November 1, 2018. (Photo by Ivana Pino)

Olivia N. Bosar
Syracuse University has set up 35 chairs on the Quad to honor the 35 SU students killed in the 1988 Pan Am Flight bombing. (Photo by Sam Ogozalek)

Olivia N. Bosar
Rain droplets cover one of the chairs set up on Syracuse University’s Quad to honor the 35 SU students killed in the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing on Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2018. (Photo by Sam Ogozalek)

Olivia N. Bosar
Syracuse University has set up 35 chairs on the Quad to honor the 35 SU students killed in the 1988 Pan Am Flight bombing. (Photo by Sam Ogozalek)

Olivia N. Bosar
Senior David Robusto and sophomore Sameeha Saied tie their ribbons to a tree for Remembrance Week. Robusto was chosen to represent Theodora Cohen, one of the 35 SU students who lost their life on Pam Am Flight 103 (Photo by Patrick Henkels).

Olivia N. Bosar
Each Remembrance Week ribbon tied to the trees on Orange Grove reads: "30 Years of Looking Back and Looking Forward ~ 1988-2018" (Photo by Patrick Henkels).

Olivia N. Bosar
SU grad student Shahadah Williams ties her ribbon to the tree in honor of the 35 students lost in the Pan Am Flight 103 bombing (Photo by Patrick Henkels).

Olivia N. Bosar
Students, family and faculty gather outside of the Hall of Languages for a candlelight vigil in honor of the lives lost in Pan Am 103 during Rememberance Week. (Photo by Olivia N. Bosar)

Olivia N. Bosar
Members of the Syracuse University community honor the memory of the lives lost in Pan Am 103. (Photo by Olivia N. Bosar)

Olivia N. Bosar
Autumn Blaze Maples and Sienna Glenn Maples lie on the ground as volunteers prepare to plant. The trees were supplied by ReLeaf Syracuse. (Photo by Jishnu Nair)

Olivia N. Bosar
Lockerbie Scholar Joseph Holland (left) and Remembrance Scholar Jez Sabaduquia (right) chat while tabling in Schine on Monday October 22. (Photo by Erin Gavle)

Olivia N. Bosar
While visiting the Remembrance Scholars' table in Schine on Monday, junior Daniel Preciado tapes a slip of paper to a banner the scholars made. (Photo by Erin Gavle)

Olivia N. Bosar
Junior Daniel Preciado writes how he "looks back and acts foward" on a slip of paper to add to a banner created by the 2018 Remembrance Scholars. (Photo by Erin Gavle)

Olivia N. Bosar
This banner hangs above the Remembrance Scholar table in Schine Student Center to raise awareness for how the SU community can "Look Back, Act Foward." (Photo by Erin Gavle)

Olivia N. Bosar
This banner hangs above the Remembrance Scholar table in Schine Student Center to raise awareness for how the SU community can "Look Back, Act Foward." (Photo by Erin Gavle)

Olivia N. Bosar
Rembrance Scholar David Robusto speaks to freshman Kathryn Wurster about Remebrance Week, which she said she didn't previously know much about. "I don't think I realized how big of a deal it really was," she said. "It's important to keep these memories alive." (Photo by Erin Gavle)

Olivia N. Bosar
Ally Bocchieri ‘93, left, laughs after finishing the Race to Remember on Sunday, Oct. 21 (Photo by Madeleine Davison)

Olivia N. Bosar
Despite the frigid temperatures, 55 participants showed up for this year’s Race to Remember on Sunday, Oct. 21 (Photo by Madeleine Davison)

Olivia N. Bosar
Otto the Orange doles our high fives to spectators and participants at the 2018 Race to Remember on Sunday, Oct. 21 (Photo by Madeleine Davison)

Olivia N. Bosar
Syracuse University has set up 35 chairs on the Quad to honor the 35 SU students killed in the 1988 Pan Am Flight bombing. (Photo by Sam Ogozalek)

Olivia N. Bosar
Participants kick off the 2018 Race to Remember on Sunday, Oct. 21 (Photo by Madeleine Davison)
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