Orange Pulse

Learn what Syracuse students have to say with Orange Pulse

Learn what SU students have to say with Orange Pulse

The NewsHouse’s new data-driven series relies on surveying to gather student input and share the communities voice.

Orange Pulse bridge page logo
Finn Lincoln

Join in on a fresh, exciting way to connect with an on-campus outlet and share your thoughts on what’s happening at Syracuse University.

By participating in Orange Pulse, you’ll have the chance to voice your opinions on global news, campus life, academic challenges, SU sports and everything in between.

Your input, combined with your peers’, will help paint a picture of student perspectives across a wide range of topics. The results may also contribute to additional stories featured on The Newshouse.

Ready to make your voice heard?

Rating rate my professors

Orange Pulse presents: Rating Rate My Professors
Finn Lincoln

As emails become flooded with reminders of spring course registration and professor evaluations, there is a lot to consider when building a schedule, including Rate My Professor.

Instead of focusing on rating professors, we flipped the script and had Syracuse University students “rate” the platform.

Next up: Election sentiments

Check out our next poll on what SU students think about the upcoming 2024 election, and stay tuned for the results next week!

More: Syracuse grocery store satisfaction

Check out our upcoming poll on how satisfied Syracuse University students are about the on-campus and off-campus grocery options, and stay tuned for the results soon!

About the AI Illustration

The Orange Pulse featured image was made using Canva AI with the following prompt: “create an image of an orange with charts, data, bar graphs, piece charts, and other similar things in the background make the orange less realistic and make the whole graphic centered around the orange. Add a pulse like what you would see in a hospital on a monitor.”