Greek or Treat gives kids a fun and safe way to celebrate Halloween
Greek or Treat welcomes community kids to campus

Halloween is a time where kids get to dress up and be whatever they want to be. Cinderella, Spider-Man, a mermaid, pirate, anything their heart desires. As a child, many have the memory of dressing up and having their bag full of candy, going around their neighborhood with big smiles and jack-o’-lanterns everywhere. But not everybody gets this chance.
The Greek Chapters of Syracuse University come together each year to bring an event called Greek or Treat to the campus for kids who might not have that opportunity to enjoy. It’s a free event that’s starts at 3 and ends at 5, just before dark. All the houses on Walnut Avenue have decorations up and some have games and face-painting while the kids get their candy fix.

Breannah Loughman, a volunteer from the Syracuse Northeast Community Center, brought a bus of about 10 kids with her, and you could see the excitement on their faces.
“I just love that this is something for kids who don’t live in a neighborhood where there are no lit-up walkways, and other kids walking around in costumes. Everyone, no matter who you are, deserves to have fun growing up,” Loughman said.
For those that came to campus, there were bags filled with a variety of candies. There was a chaperone with the children at all times, and they walked up to the decorated houses with spider webs coming from the roofs, lights trailing the handrails, and some SU students dressed up as different characters to make the children feel welcome. One of the main reasons some Greek members chose to attend the event was to see the unity the university displays in tough times.
A member of the sorority Tri Delta said the event is about realizing when to let tensions go and be a family.
“With everything going on in the Trump administration and even on this campus, sometimes you need a break. Being able to give back to the community by doing something as simple as this, reminds me that all I need is my family and friends and to be with them to do something for someone else.”
She said you never know what others are going through and that’s what brings her closer to not only Syracuse, but the campus too.