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Lauren Miller

is a photojournalism junior and NewsHouse visual journalist.

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A collage of the Syracuse University's original buildings. The history of how the University got this land from the indigenous people is murky and controversial. In the years since, SU has tried to justify taking this land by creating the Promise Scholarship. This is one of the few opportunities open to only native students.
Deconstructing The Divide

It’s Not Our Hill

Published On: April 25, 2021

Indigenous activists and students say the university and state can do more to recognize the Onondaga Nation’s claim to the land now occupied by Syracuse University.

Borderlines: Akwesasne Schooling

Akwesasne is a nation without a high school

Published On: May 30, 2019

Some Mohawk parents prefer to send their children to the U.S. or Canada for secondary school, while others advocate for a high school at Akwesasne.

Akwesasne: Foot in two worlds

A foot in two worlds

Published On:

Darryl Lazare Jr. values the freedom of growing up on the Mohawk Nation territory of Akwesasne and loves his family here. But he wants to get out.