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Amanda Paule

is a magazine journalism and French and Francophone studies major from the class of 2022 and a reporter/digital editor for The NewsHouse.

After a number of speeches, protestors turned to face the Rochester Police Department and began directly confronting them.
Deconstructing The Divide

Rethinking Local Policing

Published On: April 28, 2021

At Syracuse University, a panel of local Black activists explain the need for legislative action against police brutality.

George shows festival-goers different parts of the hemp plant.
High Stakes

Family farm the place for a buzz

Published On: April 19, 2020

The 22nd annual Harvest Festival and Freedom Fair celebrates a new era for New York hemp growers.

Jacob Toth works with agarose gel, a medium that allows separation of DNA fragments based on molecular weight when a voltage is applied.
High Stakes

Cannabis research proceeds, with limits

Published On:

Marijuana’s illegality continues to pose problems for those trying to learn more about the plant’s potential uses and dangers.

Building in Gatineau, part of Canada's National Capital Region

A Border Built on Bridges

Published On: May 30, 2019

In a country that is institutionally bilingual but where most people only speak one language, Gatineau is a true bilingual community.